
If I hadn't had to read through the user-guide and call the help desk, the registration time didn't seem to take that long. I had a problem getting a hold of our TPIN # to get into the CCR record to make edits, since the contact person is in another office here at the University. I started this on Monday, and today tried to go in to the Ebiz part of to set up our EBC but my MPIN isn't being accepted (I set it yesterday), perhaps there is a processing delay. I don't like the CCR component.

Here, our Vice Chancellor for Research is the authorized office and will be registered as the EBC (is the SO in Commons, etc)  some of and we use a generic "awards" email address that all of us, who have been delegated his signature authority receive. Were the ones who actually process the proposals, the VCR doesn't have anything to do with them. This central email address has been really nice (especially if a couple of us are out) with all of the new e-proposal systems as were all alerted to the proposal and can triage who is going to do it.


At 11:53 AM 12/11/2003 -0600, you wrote:
This brings to mind another question -- how much time should an organization allow for the whole process of registration? Of course, one should initiate this well in advance of proposal submission time. In our case, we already have the DUNS number for one of our legal entities so are that much further along in the steps. I did not want to begin the CCR registration so early that the particulars will be forgotten by the time we submit our first application (and our EBC reacts to the email prompts with a "huh?"), but I like Terri's elegant solution of a generic email address which is forwarded to more than one person.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dara Little [mailto:xxxxxx@UIC.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:24 AM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] process


I was just told the same thing the other day.  What I'm understanding is that whoever your register as the Electronic Business Contact is the person that will receive an automatically generated email (for us this will go to all of us here on "awards") once a PI registers themselves as an AO, which they must do to begin the application process. Then, whoever the EBC is can either give PI submit access directly or you can submit the application through the EBC. I asked if you can view the application once the email has been generated (would be nice if were submitting for the PI) and I was told no. I found the hassle of having to get a separate MPIN # through the CCR to be the biggest hassle so far, the system is definitely not user friendly.


At 11:07 AM 12/11/2003 -0600, you wrote:
I just received some additional explanation from the Customer
Support. (The term "authorized organization representative" is apparently
not necessariliy intended to be understood to be synonymous with "authorized
official" ...?) Anyway, I'm passing along the response in case others can


Hi Molly ...

I'd like to provide further clarification on your question:

Before submitting an application, your organization must complete the Get
Started steps. The registrations need only to be completed once.

Your organization will need to complete the CCR registration. In this
registration, you will be required to designate a Point of Contact. This
person (the EBiz POC) will be the person who needs to approve the
people who register to be able to submit applications on behalf of their

Only Authorized Organization Representatives (AORs) will be able to submit
an application on behalf of your organization. Your organization can
designate anyone it chooses as an AOR. AORs will need to complete two
registrations (the Credential Provider and registrations) and
then be approved by the EBiz POC before they will be able to submit
applications. Once an AOR completes both registrations, the EBiz POC will
receive an email stating that someone has signed up to submit applications
on behalf of their organization. The EBiz POC will then need to log into the
EBiz section of using their DUNS number and MPIN and assign the
"Authorized Applicant" role to the AOR. After an AOR is assigned the
"Authorized Applicant" role, they will be able to submit applications.

Again, your organization will only need to register with CCR once and each
AOR will only need to complete the Credential Provider and
registrations once.

While waiting for the registrations to become active, anyone at your
organization can find a grant, download the application package and complete
the application. Once the application is complete, the AOR will then need to
submit it. During the submission process, the AOR will be required to log
into to verify that they are authorized to submit applications on
behalf of their organization.

Your organization can choose whomever it wants as the Point of Contact in
the CCR registration. This person's only responsibility will be to assign
the "Authorized Applicant" role to each of your AORs after they complete
their registrations. You can also designate anyone as an AOR and may have
numerous AORs for your agency.

I hope that this answers your question better. If you have any additional
questions, please call me at 1-800-518-4726.

Thank you.


Customer Support

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")
Dara C. Little
University of Illinois at Chicago
Office of Research Services
304 AOB, M/C 672
1737 West Polk Street
Chicago, IL 60612-7227
Phone (312) 996-1975
Fax (312) 996-9005

====================================================================== Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists") ======================================================================

====================================================================== Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists") ======================================================================

Dara C. Little
University of Illinois at Chicago
Office of Research Services
304 AOB, M/C 672
1737 West Polk Street
Chicago, IL 60612-7227
Phone (312) 996-1975
Fax (312) 996-9005

====================================================================== Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists") ======================================================================