We could probably spend hours and hours on this one
Id start at ground
level and then I think the rest of your problems can be handled in an
orderly fashion. First, this is human subjects research. Just
because the sponsor has already written the protocols doesnt necessarily
mean that your institution can engage in the research without IRB review
and approval of each protocol. (The one exception to this that I
can think of is an existing agreement between your institution and the
sponsor to honor the findings of the sponsor IRB, an iffy proposition
in most cases and especially if the sponsor is geographically distant
from you.)
I took a look at your IRB website and IU seems to have very clear
guidelines and requirements for engaging in human subjects research,
including submission of protocols for each trial, fees for IRB review of
protocols, and instructions for developing budgets for the clinical
trials. The scope of work for the entire subcontract can be
determined from the protocols submitted by the PI. The budget,
likewise, can be determined from the per patient budget of the respective
protocols. The subcontract can then be written 1) to identify all
of the trials in which the PI may choose to participate, 2) for a not to
exceed amount for each trial and/or for the entire project, based on the
PIs estimate of the number of subjects (s)he is likely to enroll, 3)
data reporting requirements and methods, and 4) clear invoicing and
payment responsibilities of both parties.
If the PI doesnt want to get IRB approval for each protocol at the award
stage, be sure that the award clearly states that the PI (and IU) will
not undertake participation in any single protocol until IRB approval of
that protocol has been obtained. What you dont want here is the
sponsor, under terms of the agreement, having the ability to order the
PI to start enrollment in a study within some arbitrary time limit, say
within 30 days or 2 weeks, or stand in default of the entire
contract. Some protocols take longer than others to be approved and
may even have to be tabled or amended for later approval by the
IRB. Also, unless your IRB is willing to meet for one protocol, the
PI may have to wait for the next scheduled IRB meeting.
This response doesnt address nearly every concern but it may give you a
place to start. I suggest you talk to your IRB administrator who
will have lots of information to assist you in writing the contract based
on the IRB approved protocols and per patient budgets.
At 10:15 AM 11/22/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Hello all,
I am working on a subcontract from an oncology group that would allow our
institution to participate in multiple protocols. However, the
contract does not specifically identify the protocols. Instead, if
the subcontract is signed, our investigator may opt to participate in any
of the sponsor's active protocols any time during the performance period
without amendment to the subcontract, addition of task orders, or any
acknowledgment by the sponsor that we are enrolling patients on specific
I would like to find a way to make this arrangement work, but I have
concerns about the scope of work and monitoring payments. The
subcontract involves NIH pass-through funds, so I have concerns about
record keeping too. On the other hand, the sponsor says that it has
a streamlined process with about 300 institutions already on board and it
doesn't want to make exceptions for one site.
Any input on negotiating appropriate contract revisions or administering
this type of an agreement would be greatly appreciated. Feel free
to contact me directly if you do not wish to respond to the entire
Thanks much,
Heidi Bredemeyer
Contract & Grant Administrator
Research & Sponsored Programs
Indiana University
Voice (317) 274-8285
Fax (317) 274-8744
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