Valerie A. Blake
Assistant Director
North Shore-Long
Island Jewish Health System
Office of Grants and
5 Dakota Drive, Suite 307
Lake Success, NY 11042
Phone: (516) 719-3100
Fax: (516) 719-3110
Valerie,I could not ascertain which type organization was involved in your request, so I include below references for universities, non-profits, for-profits and hospitals.
For Educational Institutions, the authority source would be OMB A-21 Circular (see section J8): Non-Profit organization, A-122 serves as the official citation (see Attachment B, section 7m): terms of Hospitals, the authoritative source would be the "DHHS-Guide for Hospitals" (see section IX, 7c). Note that this is currently available in hardcopy only, but I have heard that DHHS is planning a Website electronically version imminently.
Finally, in reference to For-Profit organizations, the requirements are included under Federal Acquisition Regulations (see FAR, see Part 31, section 31.205-6) although these are a little bit less definitive than the others above (and, this is not an area of my expertise): hope that my response is of some benefit.
=============================================================On 2/5/2002, "Blake, Valerie" wrote:
Hello all,I am looking for federal guidelines on time and attendance/effort reporting.
Specific references and Website addresses would be sincerely appreciated.Thanks.
Valerie A. Blake
Assistant Director
North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System
Office of Grants and Contracts
5 Dakota Drive, Suite 307
Lake Success, NY 11042
Phone: (516) 719-3100
Fax: (516) 719-3110======================================================================
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