An Important Research Study: Healthcare Giving Quality and Education Edward Gabriele 23 Sep 2022 08:26 EST

The College of Nursing at the University of New Mexico is initiating a research study on healthcare giving, especially to improve the education of healthcare givers and servant leaders. They are welcoming any and all who can participate….including those who have been healthcare givers for active duty and veterans. Participation, from what I have read, involves short interviews via web interactions regarding participants' stories on giving care.

Attached is the flyer for the study in both JPG and PDF files. All information is in the flyer as well as contact information so as to participate. If for some reason one is not able to see the flyer, below are the individuals to contact at UNM who can provide any and all information and direction:

Rachel Taylor
Study Coordinator
Clinical and Translational Science Center
UNM Health Science Center
(505) 272-8893

Patricia Watts Kelley, PhD, RN
CAPT, NC, USN (ret)
Principal Investigator
Professor and Associate Dean for Research, UNM College of Nursing

Hope you consider this powerful opportunity. And please pass on this information and the flyer to any and all of your own colleagues and friends particularly those in healthcare...and very especially those who have served or are serving our active duty and/or veteran patients.

Dr. Edward Gabriele