Re: Personal membership costs charged to contract/grants Lee Wood 19 Nov 1999 14:49 EST

At 11/18/99, Morgan, Jennifer" <xxxxxx@MSX.UPMC.EDU> wrote:
 >The only thing I could come up with would be if a person wanted to present
 >data from the project at a scientific meeting that only allowed members to
 >present.  Even then, I would have trouble unless the sponsor had approved in
 >such a way that it doesn't look as if it just slipped through the cracks.

Another instance that I saw one time was the case of a social science
research project which used as the principal resource a data set that was
made available only to members of a specific group, which required a
membership fee. The PI understood that membership would be required when
she prepared the proposal, so it was budgeted and thoroughly justified. The
project would have been impossible to complete without the data set and the
accompanying membership fee. I can't imagine that an auditor would disallow

Lee Wood (Mr.)
Associate Director of Sponsored Research for the
 School of Engineering and
 Independent Labs, Centers and Institutes
Office of Sponsored Research
Stanford University
651 Serra Street, Room 110
Stanford, CA 94305-6215
Mail Code: 6215
Phone: (650)723-5681
Fax:   (650)725-4598

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