Customer service surveys directed to sponsors Rochelle Athey 17 Nov 1999 17:27 EST
Dear colleagues:

The Executive Director of our campus auxiliary would like to obtain
feedback from sponsors about the services provided by our Sponsored
Programs office.  Have any of you surveyed sponsors on customer service
issues?  If so, would it be possible to share the instruments/questions
utilized?  In developing your feedback instrument, did you make a
distinction between the sponsor's technical and
financial/administrative offices?  Do you see any pitfalls or
challenges to obtaining a sponsor's feedback on customer service
provided by a sponsored programs office?

I will summarize the results and report them back to the list.

Thank you for your help!

Rochelle Athey
Director, Sponsored Programs
Cal Poly State University Foundation
805-756-1123/805-756-5588 fax