Scanning Cover Pages for FastLane Diane M Meyer 12 Nov 1999 11:39 EST

I have found three program announcements (99-164, 99-167, 99-168) that are
requiring scanning of the signed Certification Page for inclusion in
Supplemental Documents.  They say "The signed certification page (page two
of the cover sheet) must be scanned into the "Supplementary Documents"
section of your Fastlane proposal and submitted as part of the proposal.
Hard copies should not be mailed to NSF."

We are trying to anticipate the impact on our office and the support staff
for PI's.  Currently, we don't routinely scan documents for faculty.  We
do, however, provide this service for "emergency" cases.

Since we don't sign the Certification Page until the proposal is complete,
the scan and upload will be the last step before the proposal is released
and submitted.  This process may cause delays.  Requiring the PI to bring
the proposal in two days prior to the deadline is our current policy, but
somehow it doesn't always happen that way. . . hmm!

Is it practical to expect faculty departments to get a scanner to support
this sponsor?

How do you plan to address this at your institution?


Diane M. Meyer |-| Budget/COS/FastLane Specialist
Contracts & Grants, Iowa State University
221 Beardshear Hall
Ames, Iowa  50011
515-294-4567 (voice)  515-294-8000 (fax)
W-W-W < =====<<

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