Re: IRB Honorarium Walker,Celia 02 Nov 1999 14:58 EST

Our institution does not pay either faculty or community members honoraria
for IRB participation, but I see little ethical conflict.  They are being
partially reimbursed for their time, not for approving protocols. The amount
should not be coercive -- and rarely is.  The IRB member's "allegiance," if
you will, should be to a well-functioning human research program that meets
ethical and regulatory standards, not to the approval of individual

Regarding liability issues for regulatory committees:  for faculty, the
committee appointment is part of their assigned duties, so they are covered
under the university's normal liability coverage (that is, if they are
functioning in an official capacity and are not negligent, etc., they are
represented by the university, under state law).  For community members:  we
appoint them as "official volunteers of the University," which brings them
under the same umbrella as the faculty.  Obtaining personal liability
coverage would not be a bad idea...many faculty obtain that inexpensively as
a benefit through their professional organizations, but I know of no such
coverage available to IRB or other regulatory administrators or members.

Celia  Walker, Regulatory Compliance
Colorado State University
970-491-1563 (v)  970-491-2293 (fax)

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