Re: Time & Effort Reporting Landorf,Ken 21 Oct 1999 09:13 EST

We have the same problem, and the only leverage we have is to back off
salary charges.  The Dean's offices cooperate mostly in getting forms back,
we give them 10 days to file/return.  If not a memo goes out to each PI
listing those delinquent, they get five days to respond, number two followup
is sent and copied to the respective Deans.  We have a normal return rate in
the high 90's( the balance are rejected forms, incorrect forms, etc.)

Ken Landorf             UConn Health Center     Farmington, CT. 06030
860 679-1990(v)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: xxxxxx@LSU.EDU [SMTP:xxxxxx@LSU.EDU]
> Sent: Thursday, October 21, 1999 9:58 AM
> To:
> Subject:      Time & Effort Reporting
> Do other universities have problems with personnel not returning their
> time
> & effort reporting (after-the-fact activity reports) back to central?
> How do you convince them of its importance?
> Do you have any leverage over them if they do not return the reports
> timely?
> How much time do you give them to return it?
> Thanks.
> Patricia
> ***************************************
> Patricia M. Territo
> Director
> Sponsored Program Accounting
> Louisiana State University
> Phone # (225) 388-2204
> Fax      #  (225) 388-4421
> ***************************************
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