Repeat Request: Data for Consent Form Study Needed Barbara Gray 19 Oct 1999 16:05 EST

Dear MCWIRB and RESADM Members,

Several weeks ago, I sent out a request for one of our honors students
who is doing some research on informed consent.  He is looking for
copies of real consent forms used in research projects.  Many of you
have already responded with words of encouragement, related information
from previous studies, and with copies of consent forms--a BIG THANK YOU
to you!  However, he would still like a larger sample for his research
and has asked me to once again post a request for assistance.

If you have not already done so and can take a few minutes to pull some
examples for him, he will be most appreciative.  Please note that what
he is looking for are actual consent forms developed for specific
research studies, not "model" forms that are generic patterns for
researchers to use.  Since the ones he needs are "real," please feel
free to black out any identifying information such as institution name,
researcher name, drug or device name (or other proprietary information)
and the like.

To refresh your memory about his research, here is his request again:

"I am an I am an Honors Psychology student at the College of Charleston
working on a Bachelor's Essay research project.  I am interested in how
the linguistic (grammatical and lexical) structure of sentences in
informed consent forms may affect participants.  Specifically, there are

theoretical reasons to believe that certain linguistic forms may enhance

suggestibility.  As a preliminary part of this project, I would like to
examine the ways in which researchers actually inform participants about

potential results or side-effects of their research participation.
These potential effects may be physical, emotional, cognitive, or
behavioral.  If you have ready access to informed consent forms that
mention to research participants the possibility of any such effects
occurring as a result of their involvement in the research, I would very

much appreciate the opportunity to examine some of them.  I do not need
to know the names of the researchers or any other identifying
information, although I would prefer consent forms that have been
approved by your IRB.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you might be able to provide.
If you have any questions, please contact me (843-853-1975) or my
research advisor, Dr. Carol Toris (843-953-8198;   You

can fax the forms to Dr. Toris at 843-953-7151 or mail them to her at
the College of Charleston, Psychology Department, 66 George St.,
Charleston, SC, 29424.

Chris Fulmer"

Thank you, everyone!

Barbara H. Gray, Director
Research & Grants Administration
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC  29424
Office:  843-953-5673
Direct:  843-953-5885
Fax:  843-953-6577
Campus Location:  407G Bell Bldg.


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