Re: Cost-share question Greg Schmidt 12 Oct 1999 15:18 EST

Yes, you would have to use US Flag carriers...or at least make the attempt.
A-110 23(a)(4) requires the costs to be allowable under the cost principles.

"Farnsworth, Franci" wrote:

> Another foreign travel question:    We're working on a budget with 2:1
> nonfederal:federal cost-share requirement.      If the total budget includes
> foreign travel but the cost will be paid completely by the non-federal
> matching source, does it still  have to be on a US flag carrier?
> Frances Vinal Farnsworth
> Coordinator of Sponsored Research
> Munford House
> Middlebury, VT 05753
> Tel:  802-443-5889
> Fax: 802-443-2081
> Email:
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Greg Schmidt
Manager, Contract & Grant Accounting
Florida A&M University
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College of the Year - 1997

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