Re: Software for NSF Fastlane Alexandra Thompson 22 Jul 1999 08:09 EST
At AASU, we have the luxury of taking the service-oriented approach because
we're small.  (I'd like to think we'd take it anyway!)  I have MAC and PC
versions of Acrobat in my office and faculty can come over and use our
software to convert their files.  I've offered to buy the package for the few
PIs who consistently apply to NSF but so far noone has taken me up on the
offer; they either already have it, or have decided to order it through their
I've also kicked around the idea of buying a copy for each of our science
departmental secretaries.  I remember one of my colleagues at a larger
university (sorry, I can't remember who) saying that she'd bought a laptop and
loaded it with all the relevant software so that she could take it to the
faculty.  That sounded like a good idea too.
Alexandra Thompson
Director, Grants Office
Armstrong Atlantic State University
11935 Abercorn Ext
Savannah  GA  31419-1997
(912) 921-5803 voice
(912) 921-2335 fax