Re: iPDF version of PHS 398 available on TRAM -Reply Mary Ann Jurgus 07 Apr 1999 16:36 EST

Please do!

Thanks for the offer.

Mary Ann Jurgus
Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine
2160 S. First Ave. - Bldg. 120/Suite 400
Maywood, Il. 60153
p: 708-216-4288
f:  708-216-5881

>>> Joe Titone <xxxxxx@RCF.USC.EDU> 4/7/99  10:52 am >>>
>If there is enough interest, I can post my handouts from the ERA
>on creating electronic forms.
>> >
>> > Rosemary H. Ruff                   VOICE: 334-844-4438
>> > Assistant Director                 FAX:   334-844-5953
>> > Contracts & Grants Administration  EMAIL:
>> > 310 Samford Hall                   Auburn, AL 36849-5131
>> > Trains stop at train stations.  Busses stop at bus stations.  On
desk I
>> > have a workstation...

Mark me down as interested.  Your information is always great and
you're a
marvelous source for Adobe (and probably other) information.

Joe Titone
Dept. of Contracts and Grants
Univ. of Southern California
213 740-6069

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