Re: Survey-Please read Mary Watson 24 Mar 1999 10:54 EST

At 10:31 AM 3/23/99 -0800, Cooper-Carter, Kristin sent a message saying:
*Hello, I am Kristin Cooper-Carter, a graduate student at California State
*University, Chico.  I am undertaking a survey to determine if university
*foundations assist off-campus non-profit organizations with their fiscal
*administrative infrastructure.  I would very much appreciate your
*The survey takes less than ten minutes to complete.  For tracking purposes
*we ask for identification information.  All individual information will be
*kept confidential, and individual data will not be referenced or identified
*in any way.  By responding to this electronic survey, you are agreeing to
*willingly participate in this study.  You need to further realize that the
*results of this survey, including your responses, will be used to draw
*Please return the completed survey by fax to (530) 898-6804.  I will be
*happy to share a summary of survey results with those who have provided
*information.  Please provide an email address when requested at the end of
*the survey if you would like a summary.  Also feel free to email me with any
*questions you have.  My email address is:
*The Director of Sponsored Programs or other designated person should
*complete the survey.  Thank you, in advance, for your help.
*I look forward to sharing the results with you.
*Name of Institution: Valdosta State University
*Name of Contact Person:  Mary H. Watson, Ph.D.
*Title:  Director
*Address: 1500 N. Patterson St., VSU, Valdosta, GA 31698
*Phone Number:  912-333-7837
*1.      Does your university provide fiscal administrative services for
*grant and contracts to *non-profit organizations off campus?
*(*  Our definition of a non-profit organization is one that has a board of
*directors, with at least two members who are not fiscally compensated.  This
*organization should either have or be in the process of securing 501 (c) (3)
*status and it receives grants, contracts or other sources of funding.)
*        ___ Yes                          __X_ No (skip to Question #2)
*1a.  What types of non-profit organizations?    (Check all that apply)
*        ___ Social service              ___ Environmental               ___
*        ___ Education                   Other:
*1b.  How many years have you supplied this service to non-profit
*        ___ 1-5 years           ___ 6-10 years  ___ 11-20 years ___ 21 +
*1c.  Do you require any of the following? (Check all that apply)
*        ___ Faculty needs to participate in the program being supported.
*        ___ Staff needs to participate in the program being supported.
*        ___ Students need to participate in the program being supported.
*        ___ Other ________________________________________________________
*        ***  Now skip to Question #4
*2.  Do you have a policy which does not allow you to provide fiscal
*administrative services
*for grants and contracts to off-campus organizations?
*        ___ Yes                         _X_ No  (skip to Question #3)
*2a.  Your policy to not provide fiscal administrative services for grants
*and contracts to non-profit organizations outside the university is based
*upon which of the following?
*(Mark all that apply)
*        ___ Costs to your organization.
*        ___ Communication problems with organizations off campus.
*        ___ Not sure how to outreach to these kinds of organizations to
*offer these services.
*        Other (please
*        *** Now skip to Question #4
*3.  Would you consider providing fiscal administrative services for grants
*and contracts if you knew of non-profit organizations that needed fiscal
*administrative assistance and you were adequately compensated for your
*        ___ Yes   (skip to Question #4) _X__ No
*3a.  If no, why not?   (Check all that apply)
*        ___ Bad personal experience with non-profit organization(s)
*        ___ Bad fiscal experience with non-profit organization(s)
*        __X_ Too costly
*        ___ No benefit to the university
*        ___ Other
*4.  Do you know of any other studies that investigate the relationship
*between non-profit organizations and university foundations?
*Author _________________________________________________________________
*__X_ No, I know of no other study that investigates a relationship between
*non-profit organizations and university research foundations.
*I qwould suggest you check with two organizations (SRA - society of
Research Administrators and NCURA, National council of University Research
Administrators) both publish journals and would be good sources of
*Your e-mail address

*Kristin   : - }
* Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
* subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
* via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")
Mary H. Watson, Ph.D.
Director, Grants and Contracts
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, Georgia

Phone:  912-333-7837
Fax:  912-245-3853

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")