Re: Publications Barbara Gray 10 Mar 1999 15:26 EST


We used to subscribe to a bunch of these but have cut back significantly
in the last couple of years.  We just found too much overlap of
information, especially now that we have all of the free and some of the
proprietary electronic alert services and most agencies post their
programs on the web.  My only remaining newsletter services are Fed.
Grants & Contracts Weekly and ARIS Arts and Humanities and Social and
Natural Sciences.  I'm definitely not renewing FGCW when the current
subscription runs out.  I will keep ARIS A&H, as we find it has many
opportunities for writers and artists that we just don't see elsewhere.
I'm not sure yet about eh ARIS S&N Sciences.  If that doesn't bite the
dust this year, we will certainly take a hard look again next year.  Of
course, we're keeping up with state foundation directories, as that
information is not available anywhere online yet.  I finally got the
foundation/corporation stuff on CD-ROM, but, since we don't do much
private funding, I find that I don't need to update the CD-ROM every

We have 3 FTEs and $4 million a year.  We are definitely going
electronic--it may be a little more expensive up front, but is a great
staff timesaver.  No more page-by-page searching for matches in the
Foundation Reporter or struggling through the CFDA!  Plus, we can get
our faculty signed up on alert services and teach them to do their own
web and funding database searches.


"Suzette S. Mauney" wrote:
> We are in the process of evaluating expenses. I would like
> to hear from small (2.3/4 staff) research offices with
> limited budgets. Does your office subscribe to any of the
> multitude of publications that are out there? We have
> decided to go with a few in hard copy, now, how do I
> choose? The Grant Advisor we will keep (online).
> Small newsletters are my problem, i.e., The Federal Grants
> and Contracts Weekly, Federal Assistance Monitor,
> Foundation & Corporate Grants Alert, Aris, Education
> Funding, and so on. Does anyone read these on a regular
> basis and have an opinion as to which are the most useful
> and/or if we need them at all? Now that we have a great
> deal of resources on-line, how often do you read these
> publications?
> Thanks for any input!!
> Suzette
> ----------------------
> Suzette S. Mauney
> Appalachian State University
> Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs
> (704)262-2694*fax(704)262-2709
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Barbara H. Gray, Director
Research & Grants Administration
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC  29424
Office:  843-953-5673
Direct:  843-953-5885
Fax:  843-953-6577
Campus Location:  407G Bell Bldg.


 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")