Allegheny SRA Chapter Meeting Update Morgan, Jennifer 05 Mar 1999 16:14 EST

 Greetings Allegheny Chapter Members and Friends!

 Please join the Allegheny Chapter of the Society of Research
Administrators at our Spring Meeting on March 19th, 1999. The meeting will
be held at the University of Pittsburgh Johnstown Campus Conference Center
in Johnstown, PA.

 Allegheny Chapter SRA welcomes anyone with an interest in Research
Administration. ACSRA provides an opportunity to network with your
colleagues in Research Administration and take advantage of professional
development sessions for a very low registration fee.  Please plan to
attend, and please let others know about this event.  In order to keep costs
at a minimum and our registration fees at an affordable rate, we only
advertise by electronic word of mouth.

 Our Plenary Speaker for this meeting will be Ed Donohue from NIH.
If you have questions about the recent changes and proposed future changes
that affect research administrators, you do not want to miss this meeting.

 Meeting Agenda:

 8:30-9:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast

 9:30-10:45 Plenary Session with Edward Donohue, NINDS Director-NIH,
Division of Extramural Activities and Chief, Grants Management Branch -
Discussing what we can do as administrators to expedite the paper flow
process with the recent changes at NIH.

 10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

 11:00-12:30 Morning Concurrent Sessions

 12:30-2:00 Roundtable Luncheon and Business Meeting

 2:00-3:30 Afternoon Concurrent Sessions

 3:30 Meeting Adjourned.

 Planned Concurrent Session Topics are:

 Budget Building Part I:
 Regulatory Background, Definitions, and Other General "Stuff"

 Budget Building Part II:
 The Detailed Budget

 Peter C. Koch, Director, Research Sponsored Programs, Children's
Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

 In this two-part workshop, you will review definitions of budget
line items, discuss common problems and miscomceptions in developing
budgets, and present simple formulas for preparing project budgets.  The
session is targed for both those who are new to the grant budgeting process
and also those in need of a thorough review of the basic concepts.  Case
examples and exercises will be used to reinforce discussion points.  The
focus will be largely on preparing budgets for federal grant proposals.

 Preparing for the Certified Research Administrators Exam

 Kim Carter, M.P.A., C.R.A., Grants Specialist, WPIC, UPMCHS and
 Debbie Evansky, C.R.A., Grants Specialist, WPIC, UPMCHS

 Learn what it takes to become a certified research administrator.
This session will be presented by two individuals who have just received
their CRA and can give you their strategies for preparing for and taking the

 Creating a Distributed Environment for Research Administration:
 Penn State's Virtual Organization to Support Research

 Robert Killoren, Assistant Vice President for Research, Penn State

 An overview of how Penn State is attempting to increase efficiency
and effectiveness of research administration across the University by
creating cross-functional teams involving research administrators and
accountants in both colleges and central offices who work together to solve
problems and create better processes.

 Introduction to Electronic Research Administration

 Ken Forstmeier, Director, Office of Research Information Systems,
Penn State University

 Learn the basics of electronic research administration.  What is it?
Why do we need it?  How can it make life better for research administrators?
Why is it so important?  If you have been shying away from electronic
research administration, attend this user-friendly session to learn the
terminology and become familiar with the basic concepts in a pain-free

 Procedures and Processes for Research Administration:  Departmental

 Rebecca Claycamp, C.R.A., Assistant Chair, Department of Chemistry,
University of Pittsburgh

 In this session we will discuss a variety of topics to determine
efffective strategies for working with researchers at the department level.

 The meeting registration fee of only $35.00 includes the cost of the
session handout materials, continental breakfast, coffee break and lunch.
Registration deadline is March 15th.  If necessary, you may register via fax
and pay by check at the meeting.

 Click here for registration form.

 Directions can be found at:
 If you are interested in overnight accommodations please call the
Johnstown Sleep Inn (814) 262-9292 and request the special rate of $39.99
for the Allegheny Chapter SRA meeting and the Conference Center.

 I look forward to seeing you there!

 Jennifer Morgan, M.H.A.
 President, Allegheny Chapter
 Society of Research Administrators
 Director, Office of Grants & Contracts
 Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health Systems
 3811 O'Hara Street
 Pittsburgh, PA  15213

 voice (412) 624-0743
 fax (412) 624-0714

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")