Re: Now that you have a NSF/NIH grant... Susan Burke 24 Feb 1999 12:52 EST

i am sure there are many of us who don't have such a handbook who would love to
see what you wind up with.....  thanks, in advance!

Tricia L. Callahan wrote:

> Our Office of Sponsored Programs Development is in the process of developing
> handbooks for faculty holding NSF or NIH grants.  We are interested in
> including information on supplementary grants, project reporting systems, etc.
> Does anyone have a similar publication or know if there are similar
> publications we could use/borrow from/model after?
> Your responses will be most appreciated.
> Tricia L. Callahan, M.A.     Phone: (502) 852-6512
> Sponsored Programs         FAX: (502) 852-8361
> Jouett Hall, Suite 100        E-mail:
> University of Louisville       Louisville, KY 40292
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Susan Burke
Sponsored Programs Specialist
School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University
725 23rd Street NW, Suite 109
Washington, DC 20052
Telephone: 202/994-1805
Fax: 202/994-6669

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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