Re: Needs Surveys -- PLEASE! Deborah Walz 29 Jan 1999 09:07 EST

> Here's today's request:  If you have conducted a faculty survey to
> determine level of research activity and/or needs/barriers to research,
> would you please share the tool?  Today I committed to having a draft
> instrument to my advisory council by February 15 -- because I knew I could
> do it (from a standing start) with your help.  Although I could handle
> Word 6.0 or forwarded e-mail surveys (to xxxxxx@STTHOMAS.EDU), my
> preference would be to receive FAX copies at 651-962-5406 (it's not my
> office, so it would help if you write "for Elaine" on it someplace).

I will fax you a copy of a survey we just recently circulated.  Our
provost and deans appreciated seeing the results and asked that I
set up a focus group to examine the results and develop methods
to attack the barriers.  Warning:  I had to get assistance from the
deans to get a good return rate.  Most people thought that if they
weren't writing external proposals that they didn't need to complete
the survey, which took only approx. 8 minutes to complete.

Good luck!

Deborah S. Walz, Ed.D.        
Office of Sponsored Programs            Phone:  501/450-3451
University of Central Arkansas          Fax: 501/450-5339
201 Donaghey Avenue                     Homepage:
Conway, AR 72035-0001

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