Re: USDE Carry Forward Claire L. Carlson 25 Jan 1999 13:20 EST

I had the same experience with a DOE program officer about a year ago.  We
proceeded based on her word (I put a note of our conversation in the file
just in case) and didn't have any problems that I know of.

At 11:36 AM 1/25/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I understand from my grants accountant that there is a newish USDE reg that
>states that carryforward is automatic unless an exception is placed in the
>award document. I've a project that was in effect at the time that the reg
>was put in place.  Does anyone know if that carryforward reg is
>retroactive?  The program officer tells the PI that this is true but is
>hesitant to give me anything in writing.  I suspect this person may be
>shooting fromteh hip to satisfy a rather persistent PI.  But I've not a
>speck of backup and am hesitant to take this one on faith.
>Mike (Spanky) McCallister, Ph. D.
>Director, Research and Sponsored programs
>University of Arkansas at Little Rock
>2801 S. University Drive
>Little Rock, AR 72204-1099
>501-569-8657 (v)
>501-569-3039 (f)
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Claire L. Carlson
Assistant Vice President for Research
The University of Montana

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