Human Subjects question -Reply William Campbell 20 Jan 1999 07:20 EST

Franci, what an interesting question.  My initial reaction is yes.  Here's why:
the IRB should definitely review the protocol to protect both the subject
(folks need to be protected from themselves, sometimes) and the institution
(imagine the headlinesin the National Inquirer--"Middlebury vampire collects
own blood for 'scientific' experiments").  Since the IRB is involved, I think
you'd have to check yes on the NIH cover page.

This raises some more questions, of course: is collecting his own blood really
integral to the project, i.e. can't he use some samples he buys from a supply
house?  Are there some hidden, negative consequences from checking yes on the
cover page?  And--most interesting to me, of course--what's it all about
anyway?  Probably you can't say anymore.  Oh well.

Regards, Bill
