Re: graduate level grantwriting course Mike McCallister 12 Jan 1999 07:47 EST

I got your message.  I was back in Missouri, FINALLY sellign my house.  I
have a ton of work stackedup and everyone on my huge staff of 3 is out, one
iwth a baby, one (thakfully) quit, and one is on jury duty.  I'd be happy
to talk, but it may be a day or so.


>I left a message for you today and am hoping we can visit briefly on the
>phone.  We're still planning on tackling this issue on our campus and
>really need some help with "where and how to begin".  Any assistance or
>expertise you can offer would be greatly appreciated.  I really don't want
>to reinvent the wheel if I don't need to.  Thanks and I'll look forward to
>hearing from you.
>Mary Laura
>Mary Laura Farnham, Director
>Office of Sponsored Programs & Research
>University of Nebraska at Omaha
>EAB 202, 6001 Dodge Street,  Omaha, NE  68182-0210
>Office: (402) 554-2286   FAX:  (402) 554-3698
>Please use the address form for all mailings.
>Addressing my mail to will soon result in a
>failure to deliver because UNO is moving to a new email system.

Mike (Spanky) McCallister, Ph. D.
Director, Research and Sponsored programs
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2801 S. University Drive
Little Rock, AR 72204-1099
501-569-8657 (v)
501-569-3039 (f)
