Re: graduate level grantwriting course Mary Farnham 07 Dec 1998 12:57 EST

We are in the process of developing (slowly) some grant writing training
courses for our faculty at UNO.  (Many of our faculty are relatively new to
the grant game.)  Our plan is to develop short topic mini courses that can
be presented in about an hour ("brown bags").  Faculty can pick and choose
which sessions are of interest, and not necessarily attend each session.
Our faculty are very supportive and I think "hungry" for some good
training.  Many NCURA members have mentioned that you have a great deal of
knowledge and experience in this area.  I was wondering if you might be
willing to share thoughts, ideas, curriculum, etc. with poor little ol' us
at UNO.  I'll look forward to hearing from you.
Mary Laura

Mary Laura Farnham, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs & Research
University of Nebraska at Omaha
EAB 202, 6001 Dodge Street,  Omaha, NE  68182-0210
Office: (402) 554-2286   FAX:  (402) 554-3698

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