Monthly research newsletters -Reply -Reply William Campbell 18 Nov 1998 16:48 EST

Mary, we publish a monthly newsletter in both paper and electrons.  The
electronic versions (at; check them out)
have all the text but not the cartoon.  That's a serous omission--when we do
evaluations of the newsletter, the cartoon is the item most folks mention
first.  Next come the grants awarded and proposals submitted sections, then the
grant opportunities.

This may be the last year of the paper version.  We've never gotten a great
deal of response from it (i.e., calls for more information about specific
opportunities), this year responses have fallen off dramatically.  We don't
know if it's because it's accessible on the web with hot links to funding
sources, or because our faculty are so sophisticated and knowledgeable that
they don't need it anymore, or because we've simply saturated our market.  We
still send targeted notices to individuals and (occasionally) an email
announcement to everyone, perhaps they're meeting most of the need.

But, I confess, I'm reluctant to give it up.  I've always argued that the
primary purpose of regular newsletters is to continually remind folks that
there are grants available out there and there is a grants office on campus
which can help them with proposals.   Notices of opportunities, news, etc., are
all secondary.  I don't know of a way to meet those primary purposes as well
with electronic versions.

In any case, we're looking for other ways to distribute information, so I'll be
curious about your results also.

Regards, Bill Campbell
Director, Grants & Research
University of Wisconsin-River Falls