Re: Standardizing hardware Joe Walker 11 Nov 1998 04:35 EST

Charlie Hathaway wrote:

> I find it hard to imagine an information technology department that could
> not at least give basic support to Mac users (e.g. set-up, connections to
> peripherals).  I have seen schools that tried to force the issue but they
> usually met with considerable resistance from the Mac devotees.  And why
> would you deny someone the right to buy a certain "brand" of computer?
> I suppose an argument will be made concerning networking or something else
> very technical.  But plenty of institutions are accommodating both PCs and
> Macs.  And surely there must be empathy for those people using systems
> whose essence in 1985 was equal to what Microsoft so proudly "introduced" a
> decade later.
> Charlie Hathaway
> At 02:45 PM 11/10/98 -0600, you wrote:
> >Our school is considering standardizing computer hardware, including the
> >computers used by faculty members.  One proposal is that we go entirely
> >to PCs and eliminate all Macs.  Has anyone tried to standardize faculty
> >computers?  Did it work?  What was the response from faculty?   What
> >would happen if you restricted or forbid the purchase of Macs?  Would
> >like to hear especially from medical schools or research-intensive
> >institutions.
> >--
> >Peter J. Dolce, Ph.D., Director
> >Office of Research Support Services
> >Meharry Medical College
> >Nashville, TN  37208
> >P (615) 327 6703
> >F (615) 327 6716
> >
> >

Well said Charlie!!

Joseph W. Walker, Sr. MA
Assistant to Director
Purchasing and Technical Services
Research Foundation of SUNY
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Vestal Parkway East
Binghamton, NY 13902

[office]  (607) 777-6752
[fax]   (607) 777-4354



Have a terrific day    :   )