Standardizing hardware Victoria Molfese 11 Nov 1998 09:02 EST

Several years ago an upper administrator here tried to implement such a
policy (too strong a word because there actually was no "policy" just a
desire).  The faculty went nuts.  Basically, different disciplines use
specialized software written for PCs or Macs (sometimes the software does
not cross platforms), there are deep seated personal preferences for
specific types of hardware and software, and (at the time) BIG differences
in costs of hardware and software.  I personally believe that people should
be encouraged to use what they believe is needed to get their work done -
what ever that hardware and software might be.  Bulk buying, preferential
contracts, and standardization pales in the face of really angry people
arguing for a choice in platforms, systems, and tools.  I hope we will
never try to do the standardized hardware bit again.
Victoria J. Molfese, Director
Office of Research Development and Administration
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Carbondale, IL  62901
(618) 453-4531