Re: Checking salaries Farbman, Betty 05 Nov 1998 17:31 EST

We handle it the same way here at TC.  When I worked at a public
institution, I was allowed to have salary schedules for everyone, because it
was public information.  Here, it's closer to the vest.  I do find that it
can be a roadblock if the right person isn't around and you're trying to get
an application out the door FAST.
Betty Farbman
Teachers College

> ----------
> From:         Peter J. Dolce[SMTP:xxxxxx@CCVAX.MMC.EDU]
> Reply To:     Research Administration Discussion List
> Sent:         Thursday, November 05, 1998 4:07 PM
> To:
> Subject:      Checking salaries
> An important part of processing grant applications at my school is to
> check the salaries listed in the budget to make sure they have not been
> overstated or understated.  As the central preaward office, my office
> has been handling this responsibility: we call the Human Resources
> Office, which has access to employee's actual salaries, and verify
> salaries by phone.  How do other preaward offices handle this task?
> --
> Peter J. Dolce, Ph.D., Director
> Office of Research Support Services
> Meharry Medical College
> Nashville, TN  37208
> P (615) 327 6703
> F (615) 327 6716