Information Dissemination Charna K Howson 13 Oct 1998 12:41 EST


At UNCG we use a combination of good old fashioned
newsletters (it isn't on the Web site yet) and targeted
anouncements that use our faculty expertise data base to
identify interested parties.  Everything that can be
targeted to a few individuals is sent directly to them.
Everything that can possibly be sent electronically is.
Only broad announcements go in the newsletter

I train all the students working in the office to use the
expertise data base.  when they have completed all other
tasks I've given them, they also read and distribute the
paper copies.

Faculty can do their own searches off our Web site, and
they also have the option of the COS electronic alert

It must be working.  Our submissions are up, and I'm
spending more time shaping proposals than doing searches
for faculty.  I have a Web counter on the pages, but don't
check it on a horribly regular basis--no time.

Charna K Howson
Assistant Director
Office of Research Services
100 McIver Building, UNCG
P.O. Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
Phone:  336 334-4316
Fax:    910 334-3140