Re: GUGGENHEIM MEMORIAL FOUNDATION AWARDS Herbert B. Chermside 30 Sep 1998 12:55 EST

We have had similar awards to individuals which they wished to turn over to
the university.  We advise that the grant recipient explicitly transfer the
funds to the institution as a gift.  If the original award requires refund
of unexpended funds, the "gift" has to be worded carefully.  The
insititution then reports on the gift to the indivudual.  On his personal
tax the faculty member has a wash -- a grant as income (but not wage
income) and a gift as charitable contribution.  The insititution deals ONLY
with the individual faculty member, but does it carefully so that that poor
individual has as little "business" to manage as possible.


At 11:28 AM 9/30/98 -0500, you wrote:
>We have a faculty member applying for an award from the John Simon
>Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. The Foundation makes the awards to
>individuals and issues a 1099. It will not make the award to institutions or
>organizations. The foundation allows the individual to use the funds in any
>manner they deem necessary. The faculty member wants to turn the check over
>to the University, to use the funds toward their salary support, a student
>worker and supplies. We foresee many tax issues for the faculty member in
>regards to this. Has any one had any experience with these Guggenheim Awards
>in the past and how did they handle them internally. Thank you.
>Peter A. Tiskus
>Director Sponsored Projects
>LSU Medical Center, New Orleans
Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
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