Re: training materials for on-line funding searches Farbman, Betty 23 Sep 1998 08:06 EST


If you have any on-line services (SPIN or COS, etc.) and you can hook up
to an internet connection, a demo of these services works quite well.
We did this as part of a workshop last week, and people found that
segment most useful.  You can also make a quick list of the agency web
sites that are most relevant to them, and visit a few of those.  If you
give participants a handout with these addresses, you will keep them
happy for hours after the presentation is over.

Best of luck!

Betty Farbman
Teachers College, Columbia University

> ----------
> From:         Pamela Baker-Webber[SMTP:xxxxxx@WELLESLEY.EDU]
> Reply To:     Research Administration Discussion List
> Sent:         Monday, September 21, 1998 1:44 PM
> To:
> Subject:      training materials for on-line funding searches
> I've been asked at the last minute to conduct a short training session
> at
> our department's retreat (Wednesday!) on how to use the internet to
> identify funding opportunities.  Instead of reinventing the wheel,
> does
> anyone have any training materials they've developed that they would
> be
> willing to share?
> Thanks so much!
> Pam Baker-Webber
> Wellesley Centers for Women
> Wellesley College