training materials for on-line funding searches -Reply Jennifer Morgan 21 Sep 1998 13:50 EST

My suggestion is going to require some effort (but not as much as
creating a whole training program.)  If you can find a program from last
year's annual NCURA meeting, there was an excellent program on
training investigators that included a component for searching for
funding.  Best of all, it is on the web.  You could go right to it.  Of course,
the key is the old NCURA program.  I remember that both of the women
that presented had great programs, but I cannot for the life of me
remember their names!
-Jennifer Morgan

>>> Pamela Baker-Webber <xxxxxx@WELLESLEY.EDU> 09/21/98
01:44pm >>>
I've been asked at the last minute to conduct a short training session at
our department's retreat (Wednesday!) on how to use the internet to
identify funding opportunities.  Instead of reinventing the wheel, does
anyone have any training materials they've developed that they would be
willing to share?

Thanks so much!
Pam Baker-Webber
Wellesley Centers for Women
Wellesley College