What's in a name? Neal, Michael 03 Sep 1998 12:50 EST
What follows below is a brief description of the names for independent
foundations that I have heard or seen.

There are two subdivisions for "independent foundations", as defined by
the Foundation Center. The first subdivision is "national foundation."
National foundations are independent foundations that meet all the
requirements of the definition used by the Foundation Center, and, in
addition, they distribute funding on a national or large regional basis.
National Foundations include Kresge, Rockfeller, et al.  The second
subdivision is "local foundation."  Local foundations (sometimes called
"family foundations") are also independent foundations, and they include
all the mom-and-pop operations that give on a predominantly local level.
These smaller foundations focus on giving in their communities and the
surrounding areas.

Other types of grantmaking organizations include company-sponsored
foundations, corporate giving programs, community/public foundations,
and operating foundations.  All have unique giving patterns.

Michael Neal

Michael Neal
American Association of State Colleges
 & Universities, Office of Federal Programs
Phone:  202/293-7070
E-mail:  xxxxxx@aascu.org