Re: How to subscribe mlv03@xxxxxx 30 Jul 1998 12:34 EST

(Posted to the list for common knowledge)

Instructions for the RESADM-L listserv (not just subscription commands, but
other commonly used commands) are located at - -
click on the "ListServ Lists" link, then on the "Instructions" link.

-- Mike

Esther Dominguez <xxxxxx@PANAM.EDU> on 07/29/98 03:41:18 PM

Please respond to Research Administration Discussion List

cc:    (bcc: Mike L. Varney/HRI/DOH)
Subject:  How to subscribe

Greetings from South Texas!

Will somebody please send me the address and instructions to subscribe to
the discussion group.  Please respond directly to me at  Thanks in advance.

Esther Dominguez
Office of Sponsored Projects
University of Texas-Pan American
International Trade & Technology Bldg. 1.404B
phone: (956)384-5004
fax: (956)381-2322