Re: eppley foundation Pat Conway 30 Jul 1998 10:25 EST

Another note about the Eppley Foundation.  Over the years
I have tried to get a list of awardees from them.  They
have never responded.  So this does not surprise me.  I do
not recommend our faculty to submit proposals to them.


At 04:22 PM 7/29/1998 -0400, alison brown wrote:
>An investigator submitted an application to the Eppley Foudation for
>Research.  Our delivery company returned it to us, saying there was no such
>address.  The address I have (245 Park Avenue, NY, NY) matches what is
>listed on all the material from Eppley.  The foundation won't accept phone
>calls or faxes and will only correspond in writing (which I would be glad to
>do if I could get something in writing to them!)  Any advice?
Patricia A. Conway
Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Reseearch  (M/C 672)
1737 West Polk Street
Chicago, Illinois 60612-7227
Phone 312/996-1961
Fax 312/413-0238