Y2K Assurances/Certifications bob@xxxxxx 29 Jul 1998 11:55 EST

Federal sponsors such as NASA have contacted grantees to collect information
about Year 2000 (Y2K) compliance of research-related data systems.

We are beginning to receive requests from non-Federal sponsors who are asking
for statements ranging from assurances to certifications of Y2K compliance.

Since our grantee/contractor is the Research Foundation of SUNY, we can
comfortably answer that (at not insignificant expense) the central
administrative systems are about to be certifiable as Y2K compliant.
The Foundation has also adopted a Y2K compliance warranty clause that guarantees
that future products delivered under contracts will be compliant.

One suspects that the sponsor's interest in such compliance is less with the
administrative systems than with any systems that may be involved in the
research itself.

How are other campuses handling requests for such assurances/certifications?
Have any prepared general statements about what the institution has done, can do
or will do?
Have any instituted any formal or informal "audits" of data processing
Any other procedures or policies?

Bob Schneider
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3368