Re: How to become a Director of a research office? Sharon Kuhlenschmidt 12 Jun 1998 10:27 EST

This would be valuble information for anyone seeking advancement in this
field as well as for those who are considering entering the field.  Please
share your results with the members of this list.  Thanks!

Sharon Kuhlenschmidt
Grants Development Office
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
PHONE:  (805)756-2982
FAX:    (805)756-5466

On Thu, 11 Jun 1998, Steadfast Diligent wrote:

> Hello to all you research administrators.  Okay, forgive me, I just
> now created an anonymous email specifically to send this very message,
> because I didn't want my famous university to be identified
> here.  But I have a VERY important question that needs some anonymity.
> The question is... just HOW does one become director of a campus
> office of sponsored research services?
> 1) Does a degree help?  What degree was your campus administration
> looking for when they interviewed you?  What degree do you have? (this
> is my main question as I consider getting additional training/education)
> 2) What kind of experience was your campus administration looking for
> when they interviewed you for the job?  What kind of experience did
> you have at that time?
> 3) Did networking help?  did they already know you, or know of you?
> 4) Was it a big "jump?"  that is, were you working at a position that
> was a step or so down from being the boss?  And how about
> geographically? did you travel far to get the job?
> 5) Did certification help? If so what kind.
> .....ANY other advice would be appreciated.  I really value all the
> terrific feedback that folks provide on this serv!  I've worked in
> research administration for about 15 years, the promotions have been
> hard to come by, but I am starting to think that two things would
> help:  a) advice from this group and b)further education...(but what
> degree?)
> Thanks everyone, for sharing your success stories and
> telling us how you did it!
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