APICS Awards Martha Taylor 04 Jun 1998 15:43 EST

The purpose of this message is to solicit information from schools who have
accepted funding from APICS Educational and Research Foundation.  Auburn is
concerned with the sponsor's requirement (on their proposal forms) that the
project is a work for hire.  The sponsor intends to take the deliverable
and sell it to generate revenue to cover their costs.  The PI does not see
the difference between this and a scholarly work that is derived from a
research project and given to a journal for publication.  We have tried to
explain the difference.  Evidently other schools have accepted this funding
without having the same problem.  While that may be true, I need to know
what it is that we have overlooked in the statement on the proposal cover
sheet that says it is a work for hire under federal copyright law.  I am
interested in those schools that have accepted it and their reasons for
acceptance.  When we contacted APICS, they indicated that this was not
negotiable. Thank you in advance for an insight and guidance you might
provide.  BTW - APICS is a non-profit entity.
Martha M. Taylor, Director             (xxxxxx@mail.auburn.edu)
Contracts and Grants Administration
310 Samford Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5131

334-844-5953 (fax)