E-mail newsletters? EMLILLY@xxxxxx 15 May 1998 12:06 EST

Would some of the early adopters in the audience who send an e-mail
newsletter to faculty kindly share a recent edition?  Please forward
to xxxxxx@stthomas.edu
I'd include in the category a regular mailing that points to a web
newsletter, but am not interested in web-only news postings (without
the intrusive e-mail nudge).
The spirit has long been willing but the infrastructure was weak.
Now, with a little luck, it appears we'll be able to implement
a 90s kind of newsletter before the millenium... but I'd appreciate
a glimpse of what others have found "do-able".
(Looks like the new utility will be MicroSoft Exchange/Outlook.)
All inspiration will be gratefully acknowledged.

 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
Elaine M. Lilly, Ph.D. *** Faculty Grants Coordinator
* University of St. Thomas **** St. Paul, Minnesota *
* Mail # 5045 **  612-962-6038  ** FAX 612-962-5406 *
WEB SITE:  http://www.stthomas.edu/fgo