Re: Workshops Sharon Kuhlenschmidt 13 Apr 1998 10:47 EST

Sharon Kuhlenschmidt
Grants Development Office
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
PHONE:  (805)756-2982
FAX:    (805)756-5466

On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, Ellen Reinsch Friese wrote:

> Dear Listserve Members:
> Would you be kind enough to let me know (either by way of the listserve or
> individually by e-mail) the kinds of faculty/staff workshops your sponsored
> programs offices offer during a calendar year?  I am specifically interested
> in the following information:
> 1.  The number of different workshops offered by your office during the year.

We offer 3 hands-on training sessions for locating electronic funtnign
sources - one every academic year quarter.  We usually have 3 to 5 people
in attendence - some faculty, some staff and an occasional graduate
student.  We had hoped for greater response - we can accommodate up to 15
per session.

We also hold tow to three workshops provideing information toward
responind to special funding opportunities - NSF ILI  and CCD (now it will
be one for CCLU), NSF Career Program, (new this year) U.S. Dept of
Agriculture programs.

> 2. Workshop topics (such as proposal writing, research ethics, etc.)

See above

> 3.  Who gives these workshops (sponsored programs staff, faculty, "outside"
>     [paid] consultants, or others).

I have given ILI and CAREERS workshops.  The second analyst in our offfice
will give the USDA presentation.  Joe Ostrye, our Information Analyst
gives the electronic srearch presentation.

> 4.  What format works best for your campus:  regular brown bag lunches, formal
>     one- to two-day hands-on mini-conferences, etc.

We get good attendence at brown-bag (we provide beverages and cookies)
lunch time presentations of an hour to hour and a half in length.
Hands-on (everone sets at a computer) electronic training sessions run 1
hour in lenght from 3:15 to 4:15 on Wednesdays.

> 5.  How successful (or not) your educational efforts have been.

NSF related workshops are very well attended and always result in several
proposals.  See comment about funding sources in number 1 above.

> 6.  Any other helpful hints you can offer.

> Thank you for responding to this request.  If there is sufficient interest, I
> can post a summary of the results on the listserve.

I would like to see the results of your survey.  We are always looking
for new ways to increase both the number of proposals submitted and the
success rate of those submitted!

Sharon Kuhlenschmidt
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obospo, CA 93407

> > Ellen
> Ellen Reinsch Friese
> Assistant Director
> Research and Sponsored Programs
> Wright State University
> 122 Allyn Hall
> Dayton, OH  45435-0001
> (937) 775-2425 (telephone)
> (937) 775-3781 (fax)
> (e-mail)