Re: Adobe Acrobat ERA-type question Pam Whitlock 01 Apr 1998 07:31 EST

Charna, Which agencies are you having  problems with?  I'd like to take to
FDP and make sure they know about the problems.  Pam

At 01:26 PM 3/31/98 -0500, Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:
>Our School of Nursing bought the Adobe package in hopes of
>being able to complete forms only to find that they were
>locked.  When we called the agency, they weren't of much
>assistance because they paid an outside consultant to create
>the package.
>This is an area where we need to communicate our needs to
>the sponsors.  Having to print and then type forms is a
>rather ineffective use of our technological capabilities.
>Likewise, being able to type into a form on screen is
>equally useless when you can't save the project mid stream.
>Most of my faculty can't complete these forms in one sitting.
>Charna K Howson
>Assistant Director
>Office of Research Services
>100 McIver Building, UNCG
>Greensboro, NC 27412-5001
>Phone:  336 334-4316
>Fax:    910 334-3140
Pamela B. Whitlock
Director, Office of Research Administration
601 S College Road
Wilmington, NC  28403-3297
(910)962-3167 voice
(910)962-4011 fax