Adobe Acrobat ERA-type question Charna K Howson 31 Mar 1998 13:26 EST

Our School of Nursing bought the Adobe package in hopes of
being able to complete forms only to find that they were
locked.  When we called the agency, they weren't of much
assistance because they paid an outside consultant to create
the package.

This is an area where we need to communicate our needs to
the sponsors.  Having to print and then type forms is a
rather ineffective use of our technological capabilities.
Likewise, being able to type into a form on screen is
equally useless when you can't save the project mid stream.
Most of my faculty can't complete these forms in one sitting.

Charna K Howson
Assistant Director
Office of Research Services
100 McIver Building, UNCG
Greensboro, NC 27412-5001
Phone:  336 334-4316
Fax:    910 334-3140