Fastlane/technical question Diana Demers 30 Mar 1998 10:55 EST

I have have submitted proposals via Fastlane without difficulty; however, I
just switched over from Mac to PC. I have Internet Explorer 3.0, and
everything works fine in Fastlane until I try to view a proposal. I get the
following error message:

There is no viewer available for the type of object you are trying to open.

The following information is available about this object:

Address of Object:

Content type: text/html

Possible location of viewer: Microsoft Active X Gallery

Do you want to go to this location to download a viewer for this type of object?

The same thing happenes whether I set Adobe Reader or Internet Explorer as
the default program to read text/html files. I can't figure out what the
problem is, and neither can our help desk. Windows 95 and Internet Explorer
3.0 are supposed to be able to handle encripted documents.  Has someone else
run into this problem?

Any help is much appreciated.


Diana Demers
Grant and Contract Administrator
Keene State College