Re: Adobe Acrobat ERA-type question Wilma G. Ennenga 20 Mar 1998 07:50 EST


I'm also interested in this issue. Can an Adobe Acrobat file created by
someone else be modified without access to their ORIGINAL file?


At 07:27 PM 3/19/1998 -0600, you wrote:
>Glenn -
>Most of those forms can be made into interactive forms (which can be
>completed with nothing more than the Acrobat Reader, the free software).
>To do this you need Acrobat Exchange which has several tools, including
>form fields which can be inserted and customized for various options,
>e.g., font, number of characters, etc.  You can also use Exchange to
>create forms which launch other applications, for instance, if the
>indirect costs are limited or there is required cost share, you can launch
>Excel from inside the Acrobat form and complete calculations on
>underrecovery and total cost share.  Exchange can do many more things
>which are quite useful (direct web link, launch an email message, ...).  I
>urge you to check out the full Acrobat package which includes the Reader
>(free portion), Acrobat Exchange, and Acrobat Distiller (postscript
>handler).  If you have specific questions, contact me directly at my
>personal email address.  I may be able to give you some assistance.
>On Thu, 19 Mar 1998, Glenn Krell wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Here is a general interest ERA (electronic research administration)
>> question.  One facet of ERA is that many of us download various agency
>> forms from the web using Adobe Acrobat.
>> Has anyone had any success making those pdf (portable document format)
>> forms into "interactive" forms using Acrobat 3.01?  Note that that is the
>> software you pay for, as opposed to the free software available at
>>  for reading and
>> printing pdf files from websites (quite useful by the way).
>> The problem we are having is: we download and print these agency pdf forms,
>> and then have to use a typewriter to fill them out.  Has anyone made
>> progress in this area? or is there a better method for doing this?
>> Many thanks in advance!
>> - Glenn Krell
>Rosemary H. Ruff                   VOICE: 334-844-4438
>Assistant Director                 FAX:   334-844-5953
>Contracts & Grants Administration  EMAIL:
>Auburn University, AL 36849-5131
>Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et
>fructuosis potiri potes!
Wilma G. Ennenga
Grant and Contract Administrator
Office of Grant and Contract Services
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4130

(520) 523-8319
(520) 523-1075 (fax)