Re: Administrative Support on Federal Grants Moshe Amir 20 Mar 1998 12:24 EST

As part of the research incentive policy at our university, 25% of the
recovered IDC is returned to the PI(s) at the close of the grant account.

Yours sincerely,                   | tel: +972-7-647 2427
 | fax: +972-7-647 2930
Moshe Amir, Director               | email:
Department of Research Contracts   | url:
Research and Development Authority |
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
PO Box 653,                        | A bad joke is no laughing matter
Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel           |                 ......Mark Twain
On Thu, 19 Mar 1998, Michael Luczak wrote:

> Listserv members,
> Are there any institutions that have a mechanism in place for ensuring
> distribution of administrative support dollars on federal grants based on
> indirect cost recovery? If so, how does it work?
> Mike Luczak
> Grants Administrator
> Research Administration - HSC
> Phone:  314-577-8108
> Fax:  314-268-5551