Re: Allowability of Costs For Food for Project Staff Meetings Norman Meeks 30 Dec 1997 18:38 EST

>I am looking for interpretations regarding the allowability of food as a
>direct charge on a sponsored project for a regular project staff meeting.
>It would seem that J.28 of A-21 would allow such a cost if it were a
>regular staff meeting of project personnel for which the "primary purpose
>is the dissemination of technical information". J.28 indicates that this
>"includes costs of meals...and other items incidental to such meetings...".
>Any opinions?
>James F. Ball
>Sponsored Program Officer
>The Ohio State University Research Foundation
>1960 Kenny Road
>Columbus, Ohio 43210
>614-292-4315 Fax

Jim, you're pushing it.  Norm

ps:  How did the Buckeyes do this year?  Did they win any games?

Norman A. Meeks                 Tele:           507.266.4884
Research Administration         Fax:    507.284.1772
Mayo Foundation                 email:
200 First Street SW                     Pager:  507.266.8358
Rochester MN 55905                      OV#:    mrb5535