Re: CFDA # Rosemary Ruff 16 Dec 1997 18:11 EST

Ruth -

URL for this is  It has subject,
topic, and alphabetic listings in addition to agency listings.

A searchable URL is  I don't find
this one as convenient to use but you may like it better.


On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, rt01 wrote:

> Seasons Greetings!
> I know I should know this and I know it has been discussed here before, =
> but please help me find a source for CFDA #'s.  NSF lists them in their =
> GPG now, but I need to know the CFDA #'s for an ONR project jointly =
> funded by ONR and DARPA.  I called finance at ONR and the person I =
> reached had never heard of the CFDA before!
> Your help will be greatly appreciated!
> Ruth Tallman
> Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
> Lehigh University
> (610)758-3024

Rosemary H. Ruff                   VOICE: 334-844-4438
Assistant Director                 FAX:   334-844-5953
Contracts & Grants Administration  EMAIL:
Auburn University, AL 36849-5131
Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et
fructuosis potiri potes!