Salaries Nancy L. Nisbett 10 Dec 1997 17:32 EST

We are having discussions on our campus about the allowability of
clinical income as a base for NIH salaries (up to $125,000).  According
to A-21, the  University can only seek reimbursement of base salaries
and wages for those employed and paid directly by the University as a
condition of employment.  Our interpretation is that this excludes any
and all income earned by our physicians through their medical practices,
as this is not a guaranteed income nor is it represented in their base
salaries in our fiscal records.

Our faculty indicate that other institutions are using clinical income
in order to report a base salary of $125,000 for grants.  I would like
to verify this information and ask if this income is considered official
"salaries paid as a condition of employment" by those institutions using
this base.  If not, how does this fit with A-21?

Thank you for any feedback.

Nancy Nisbett

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Nancy Nisbett, Director
Office of Research Administration
405/271-2090 (phone)
405/271-8651 (fax)