Re: Indirect costs from Forest Service (USDA) Franci Farnsworth 10 Dec 1997 08:41 EST

We have some experience with Green Mountain National Forest.   Whether USFS
will pay IDC and how much depends in part on the type of funding vehicle
(grant, cooperative agreement, challenge cost-share agreement, etc) and in
part on who has the final say at USFS (different people have different
understandings of what's allowed).   Our past agreements have used various
arrangements, including waiving our full negotiated rate to meet cost-share
requirements, recovering some IDC (in the 10-20% range) and waiving the
rest as part of cost-share, and various other arrangements.

There's a wealth of info on the web about types of agreements and
allowability of IDC -- but when I looked this morning I discovered that
they are in the process of moving their site so apparently you can't get at
the USFS Research pages.  That may mean that the info is out-of-date.  I'd
be glad to fax you the IDC page (and if you know what kind of agreement
you're negotiating I may have the info page for that as well).

Franci Farnsworth

Frances Vinal Farnsworth
Coordinator of Sponsored Research
Grants Office - Forest Hall
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT  05753

Tel:  802-443-5889
Fax:  802-443-2081