Re: R29 - phased out? -Reply Evelyn Ford 19 Nov 1997 08:24 EST

This is just a confirmation:  I was at NIH on Thursday, November 13,
when Wendy Baldwin (Office of Extramural Research) made this
announcement.  She further indicated that they are working on some
mechanism to identify new investigators when an R01 is submitted.
Additional funds will be added to the R01 pool.  The goals is to lift
the restrictions with respect to the R29s but still be able to provide
a pool of funds for new investigators.
Evelyn J. Ford, Research Administrator
Center for Neurosciences Research
Allegheny University of the Health Sciences
Allegheny Campus, Pittsburgh PA 15212-4772
voice 412.359.4475
fax 412.359.4499

>>> <> - 11/18/97 3:34 PM >>>
There was an announcement at the NIH site visit.  They are phasing
out the R29s, but are allowing these investigators to apply for R01s,
with a "special status".  This will be beneficial to the applicant as
the RO1s are not subject to the same budget restrictions as the R29s.

Mary Hoffman
Administrative Services Manager
Washington State University
Pullman, WA  99163