45CFR92 question SBLHC SBLHCPR4 15 Oct 1997 09:40 EST

Please bear with me for this rookie question, but can someone tell me if
45CFR92 applies to grants made to hospitals?

I've recently moved from research administration at a university to a
similar position at Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center, Mattoon, IL, and I
am relying on the expert help in the RESADM listserv for some answers to
questions I've not encountered before.

I am reading the section of "Applicability" (45CFR92.4) (see below), and
despite an academic background in reading Middle English (or perhaps
because of it), I am still befuddled by the statement in (a). Am I to
interpret that the list of of items (1), (2), etc. which fall under (a)
are organizations/programs EXCEPTED from Subparts A through D of
45CFR92? If so, then I am concluding that the language in (1) excludes
local hospitals. Is this correct?

>Sec. 92.4  Applicability.

>    (a) General. Subparts A through D of this part apply to all grants
>and subgrants to governments, except where inconsistent with Federal
>statutes or with regulations authorized in accordance with the
>exception provision of Sec. 92.6, or:
>    (1) Grants and subgrants to State and local institutions of higher
>education or State and local hospitals.

My question relates to a federal grant (from HRSA) to my organization, a
non-university-affiliated, non-teaching hospital. Though a local state
university is participating in the project and providing third-party
in-kind and cash match, the hospital is the fiscal agent for the grant.
We are trying to sort out questions of allowable cost and allowable
match, as well as other issues.

I'd appreciate whatever clarification can be given.

Molly Daniel
Grants Specialist
Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center