Scientific Misconduct -Reply Jennifer Morgan 09 Oct 1997 17:34 EST

If I understand you question correctly, you are asking if the institution has
to do anything after the federal investigation has been closed.
The investigation will close with a determination, either that there was, or
was not misconduct.  If there was misconduct, then there will be
recommendations to rectify the situation... after the recommendations
have been carried out, the institution should be in the clear, as long as
they have followed their own policies and satisfied the sponsor.
If there was no misconduct found, but there was an honest error,
recommendations would probably still be made if erroneous information
had been disseminated to the scientific community.
If you are interested in a specific situation, I may be able to steer you to
some journal articles that you could read to gain a better understanding.
Misconduct in Science is a very broad area.  Everything from who
should be listed as an author on a journal article, to mistreatment of
animals, to misleading consent forms, to falsification of data, to theft of
ideas, and on and on.
I'll be conducting workshops on Ethics in Science in Philadelphia later this
month and in Pittsburgh in November.  If you would like to learn more, and
can talk your powers that be in allowing you to come to either one of
them, we'd be happy to have you attend.
-Jennifer Morgan

Jennifer Morgan
Director of Sponsored Programs
Office of Grants & Contracts
Allegheny Campus
Allegheny Univ. of the Health Sciences
One Allegheny Center, Suite 880
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15212
412-359-1523 (voice)
412-359-1556 (fax)

>>> Annmarie Boduch <> 10/09/97 12:15pm
42 cfr part 50 addresses Scientific Misconduct - What I can seem to find
what role does the Institution (award receipient have) regarding the
release of such research either thru 1. publications or 2. an abstracts? -
or is that went the case is closed and the Feds report out on cases of
scientific misconduct that covers the Institution.